checkra1n team releases Full package unlock/jailbreak iPhones iOS 13.6 – Download Links
Checkra1n is an incredible jailbreak utility! It’s fit for jailbreak iOS 13.6 the iPhone X and more established Forever! There’s just a single issue: no...
iOS 13.5.1 Cydia Instal | Guide How to Jailbreak iOS 13.5.1 Unc0ver (No Computer)
Hacker announces jailbreak iOS 13.5 – The Real unc0ver 5.0 unlock all Apple idevices
The unc0ver Team has already updated the official web page with a progress bar denoting what’s happening behind the scenes, and at the time of this...
Download unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 13.0-13.3-13.5 [iPhone 11 and below]
Great news for the jailbreak community, The new version of the uncover jailbreak released with the support for all the iOS versions from iOS 11...
Fabrication iOS 14 Jailbreak Status | World Best Software’s Unc0ver, Rootless, Hexxa, PanGu, Electra
Electra Jailbreak, RootlessJB Jailbreak, Hexxa Jailbreak, PanGu Jailbreak are the World best Jailbreak tools out at this point. We can expect the up and coming iOS...
unc0ver v4.0.0 is NOW OUT – Now with full-fledged support for A12-A13 devices on iOS 13.0-13.3 with Cydia and system-wide tweak injection
We have all been waiting for the unc0ver jailbreak tool to release for the latest iPhone models. Therefore, Jailbreak is the only way to install...
unc0ver now be working on ensuring the stability of the implementation while I wait for the kernel exploit to update the rest of the jailbreak iOS 13.3-13.3.1.
Developer Pwn20wnd is planned to integrate a new exploit discovered by Brandon Azad into the popular jailbreak utility. iOS 13.3 To 13.3.1 will get a...
Checkra1n Jailbreak Updated With Support for Linux -Windows, iOS 13.3.1, New CLI, More
The Checkra1n team recently release an update to their tool which added iOS 13.3.1, Linux support, and made a bunch of other improvements. At least...
Hacker iBSparkes achieves tfp0 2020 on A13 with iOS 13.3 – iOS 13.3.1 Beta Jailbreak
The jailbreak community has been on fire these past few months, with checkra1n delivering an un-patchable jailbreak experience for handsets ranging from the iPhone 5s...
How to Jailbreak iOS 12.4.1 – iOS 13.3.1 Beta 2020 WORKING! [A12 | A12 Plus Jailbreak]
Hey guys, please be sure to backup your device with this untethered Jailbreak. As it can be unstable. I have been running this JB for...